If you have select box and want to make on it search what you will do?
All the source code is here
The typeahead/autocomplete fields are one of the most common use cases for Debounce Operators.
As the user types in the typeahead field, we need to listen to it and send an HTTP request to the back end to get a list of possible values. If we send HTTP requests for every keystroke, we end up making numerous unneeded calls to the server.
By using the Debounce Operators, we wait until the user pauses typing before sending an HTTP Request. This will eliminates unnecessary HTTP requests.
<div class="form-group"><label for="contactMethod">Search</label><input [ngModel]="inputCode" (ngModelChange)="search($event)"/><selectname="contactMethod"id="contactMethod"class="form-control" ><option *ngFor="let item of list" [value]="item.mal_id">{{ item.title }}</option></select></div>
Here you will find we have input which we will search by and the select which we will display the data.
function to handle and get the data from APIexport class AppComponent {title = 'angular-debouncer-example';inputCode = '';list = [];constructor(private dataService: DataService) {}search(event: any): void {this.dataService.getFilteredByCode(event).subscribe((response: ApiResponse) => {if (response != null) {this.list = response.results;}});}}
function will call the getFilteredByCode
from the api service DataService
Let’s see how that service working.
export class DataService {constructor(private http: HttpClient, private debouncerHelperService: DebouncerHelperService) {}private filterBy(value: string): Observable<ApiResponse> {return this.http.get<ApiResponse> (`https://api.jikan.moe/v3/search/anime?q=${value}`);}getFilteredByCode(code: string): Observable<ApiResponse> {return this.debouncerHelperService.debouncerOnly<string, ApiResponse>(1000, code, (request) => this.filterBy(request));}}
will call the debouncerOnly
from DebouncerHelperService service which will handle the delay to not call the api on every change.
It will wait 1000 then call the 2nd call as in normal it when we enter old
it will call the API 3 time o
, ol
, old
and that’s bad behavior.
Our debouncerOnly
will handle this by passing the 1000 ms and the code which will will search for and the this.filterBy(request)
function will get the data from the API.
debouncerOnly<TReq, TRes>(time: number, value: TReq,callback: (request: TReq) => Observable<TRes>): Observable<TRes> {const result = new BehaviorSubject<any>(null);this.debouncer.pipe(debounceTime(time),mergeMap((val: TReq) => {const obs = val === this.prevData ? of(this.prevData) : callback(val);this.prevData = val;return obs;}),tap((val: TReq) => {this.prevData = val;})).subscribe(val => result.next(val));this.debouncer.next(value);return result;}
That is all, now you can use the RXJS Debouncetime as you want all source code is here.
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